Sborník skladeb z pražských studií (1874-1875)

The Collection of Compositions from Prague Studies

The collection contains the compositions for a mixed choir Exaudi deus 1 and Communio "Fidelis servus", mixed choir accompanied by organ Graduale "Speciosus forma", Introitus in festo Ss. Nominis Jesu, Benedictus, Exaudi Deus 2; compositions for solo organ Předehra (Overture), Varyto for full organ and Chorální fantasie (Choral Fantasy); orchestral work Zvuky ku památce Förchgotta-Tovačovského (II. oddíl) (Sounds in Memory of Arnošt Förchgott-Tovačovský (IInd part)); and two sonnets from Janáček's chamber work Znělka I (Sonnet I) for 4 Violins and Znělka II (Sonnet II) for 4 Violins.

9.00 €

The set of the twelve compositions, written mainly at the time of Janáček's studies at the Prague organ school (1874-1875), was not discovered until 1958. The Janáček Archive of the Department of Music History at the Moravian Museum obtained it as a collection of manuscripts. This assortment of Janáček's early work was termed Sborník skladeb z pražských studií (The Collection of Compositions from Prague Studies), and it continues to be cited under this title in the standard professional literature and the lists of Janáček's works.

With growing interest in Janáček and his work, the compositions of the collection, particularly the instrumental ones, were finally produced, and some of the organ compositions were even published. However, the complete collection has so far remained unpublished. Thus, it is pleasure for us to present this collection of compositions as an annotated facsimile issue.

After composing each work, Janáček copied it down in fine handwriting into a large music notebook and marked it with a date (except for two of them). He arranged the compositions in almost chronological order. The compositions are written in a very neat and legible hand. This facsimile edition does not include the pages that remained blank. Therefore, it may serve both as production material for performers and as a collector's item.


  • accompanying text in four language versions
  • publishers' notes and annotations in Czech and English
  • editors: Theodora Straková, Jiří Zahrádka
  • including: Gradual "Speciosus forma", Introitus in festo Ss. Nominis Jesu, Benedictus, Exaudi Deus 1 , Exaudi Deus 2, Sounds in memory of Arnošt Förchtgott-Tovačovský, Communio "Fidelis servus", Sonnet 1, Prelude for Organ, Sonett 2, Varyto for full organ, Chorale fantasia
  • size: 265 × 190 mm
  • side-stitched binding
  • number of pages: 104
  • editorial reference number: H0003
  • ISMN M-706527-00-0
  • issued in December 2001 

Facsimile Edition

Reference: H0001

Condition: New product